Baillie Gifford US Growth Trust

Thank you for your support.

On 3 February Shareholders decisively voted against all the Requisitioned Resolutions.

Tom Burnet, Chair of the Company commented:

"Faced with the threat to their investment posed by Saba's self-serving and destructive proposals, shareholders have mobilised and acted decisively to protect their investment. The result is unambiguous and conclusive.

We would like to thank shareholders for their support at this important moment for the Company. We are delighted, in particular, by the number of retail shareholders who have voted and played a key role in this positive outcome and encourage them to continue to make their voices heard.

Thanks to our patient strategy of investing in exceptional US growth companies, public and private, the Company has achieved its objective of delivering above average long-term returns for our shareholders. Since IPO in March 2018, the Company has been one of the best-performing funds globally when measured against all US equity open-ended funds and ETFs.

Following the decisive result at the Requisitioned General Meeting, we look forward to executing our strategy in a supportive macro environment and continuing to engage with all our shareholders."

To read the results in full please click the link below:


Baillie Gifford US Growth Trust - Result of Requisitioned General Meeting

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