Capital at risk
International equities
Investing in world-leading companies, primarily outside the US, with the potential to grow significantly over the next five years and beyond.
Why invest in international equities?
International growth companies offer a way to diversify your portfolio. They span various sectors, from engineering and medicine to luxury goods and the energy transition. We focus on businesses that can deliver superior long-term returns. We’ve managed international portfolios since the early 1980s, giving our North American clients exposure to growth companies from outside the US.
How do we invest in international equities?
Goods, people, and capital don’t move as freely as they used to. That’s led to a dynamic international investment landscape.
This rapidly evolving environment creates new business opportunities. And we’re committed to discovering companies that can benefit from it and bring you strong returns.
International equities strategies
ACWI ex US All Cap
An international portfolio seeking long-term compounding, combining developed and emerging markets – with 30+ years of experience.Developed EAFE All Cap
An international portfolio focused on long-term compound growth, exclusively investing in developed markets – with 30+ years of experience.EAFE Plus All Cap
With exposure to emerging markets, this international portfolio with 30+ years’ experience seeks long-term growth.International Alpha
Invest in compounders, rapid growth, cycle winners, and capital allocators for what we hope will prove a robust, opportunity-driven portfolio.International Concentrated Growth
Looking for outstanding global firms transforming societies and economies, seizing significant market share opportunities.International Growth
Sustainable success, global reach: We aim to invest in growth companies with enduring competitive advantages and forward-thinking cultures.International Smaller Companies
Dedicated to discovering exceptional small companies in untapped markets, investing with an ownership mindset aiming for optimal growth.
All our investment capabilities
Core growth
Large, diverse portfolios of growth-focused holdings built with benchmarks and reduced volatility in mind.Equity and multi-asset income
Seeking both dependable income and long-term capital growth.Fixed income
Targeting company and government bonds with a focus on long-term outcomes.Flexible growth
Portfolios containing a mix of firms focused on disruption, steady compounding and timely capital allocation.High growth
Concentrated portfolios of fast-growth companies, typically holding between 25 and 50 stocks.
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