Contact us

At Baillie Gifford we like to offer a personal service. It’s important to us that we talk to you directly and that we understand your requirements.

Professional enquiries

If you’d like further information on our range of investment capabilities and services, please get in touch with our Client Relationship Team:


David Henderson in the Baillie Gifford office.

David Henderson

Client Relationship Director
Eri Matsubara Mckenna standing leaning against a table.

Eri Matsubara McKenna

Client Relationship Director
Kazufumi Iwazawa sitting with their legs crossed.

Kazufumi Iwazawa

Client Relationship Manager
Yiming Tang standing while clutching a notepad.

Yiming Tang

Client Relationship Manager

Head office location


Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited

Address: Calton Square, 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh, EH1 3AN

Phone: +44 (0)131 275 2000


In the first instance, clients should contact their normal client contact with any concerns.

Alternatively, or for those clients who do not have a direct client contact assigned, complaints can be emailed to Baillie Gifford’s Compliance Department:
