Help and support

For explanations of financial products, disclosures and our consumer duty requirements.

Product governance

This page is intended for third-party distributors and intermediaries. It provides information on our MiFID II product governance process, target market and distribution strategy, together with our costs and charges and data disclosures. These documents are strictly for information purposes and should not be considered as an offer, investment recommendation or solicitation to deal in any of the investments mentioned and does not constitute investment research. The templates include all funds even if they are not registered in a particular jurisdiction.

New product approval process

Our new product approval process provides information about our three-phase product lifecycle for new fund launches and includes our MiFID II target market assessment disclosure.

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Important disclosures

For important disclosures, best execution and trading disclosures, modern slavery statements, and privacy notices.

Contact us

Still have a question? Please get in touch with us.