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We have a great range of funds available to suit your preference, including equity, fixed-income and multi-asset portfolios. All give you access to our expertise in seeking out long-term growth. Explore the selection and save those of most interest for quick access.


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The information in this area of the website is intended for qualified professional investors and consultants based in South Korea. It is not intended for use by any other persons including members of the general public or investors from other jurisdictions.

Please remember that all investment strategies have the potential for profit and loss and your or your clients’ capital may be at risk.

Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is wholly owned by Baillie Gifford & Co. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited provides investment management and advisory services to non-UK clients. Both are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is licensed with the Financial Services Commission in South Korea as a cross border Discretionary Investment Manager and Non-Discretionary Investment Adviser.

Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited 柏基亞洲(香港)有限公司 is wholly owned by Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited and holds a Type 1 licence from the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to market and distribute Baillie Gifford’s range of collective investment schemes to professional investors in Hong Kong.
Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited 柏基亞洲(香港)有限公司 can be contacted at Suites 2713-2715, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong, Telephone +852 3756 5700.

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Source: Baillie Gifford & Co Limited. 10am dealing price. The fund prices quoted on this page are supplied by Baillie Gifford for information only. The funds operate on a forward pricing basis, namely that the funds deal at the price to be set at the next valuation point.

Ongoing charges

The ongoing charge figure is at the latest annual or interim period. Please see individual fund pages for specific dates.

Share classes

A share class: Retrocession share class at 1.5% management fee, available on most funds.
B share class: For standard direct investment. Multiple currency and currency hedged share classes may also be available.
C share class: Management fee agreed directly with the investment manager, available on most funds.

Effective from 03 July 2020, F share classes for Worldwide Funds merged with their respective B share class or became a new B share class where this did not exist before.

Baillie Gifford Worldwide Funds PLC

The information contained in this section of the website relates to Baillie Gifford Worldwide Funds PLC, an investment company with variable capital incorporated with limited liability in Ireland with registered number 490695 and established as an umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2003 (as amended) (the “Company”).

If you have any questions about the Company or investment in any of its sub-funds, you should consult your stock broker, bank manager, legal adviser, accountant or other financial adviser. The Company’s prospectus should be read in its entirety before making any application for shares. Should you proceed to access the Company’s prospectus, your attention is drawn to the Selling Restrictions within the document.

* Hedged Fund

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