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Japan equities

Japan offers access to the unexpected: unique technologies, premium brands and emerging digital disruptors. Our long-term, patient approach gives you access to this potential.

Woman in traditional Japanese dress walking on a path between tall bamboos.

Why invest in Japanese equities?

Japan is home to exceptional companies leading their field in sectors such as gaming, robotics and automation. It also has local champions, which dominate the domestic market by taking a distinctly Japanese approach. The region provides underappreciated potential to access several long-term structural growth opportunities.

How do we invest in Japanese equities?

We have a strong pedigree in Japan, having first invested in the region’s companies in the 1960s. This was followed by the launch of our first dedicated Japan portfolio in 1981.

We take a patient, long-term approach, seeking to back companies for five years and beyond. And our high-conviction portfolios contain a relatively small number of stocks in what we believe represent the very best of Japan.

Japan equities strategies

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Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is wholly owned by Baillie Gifford & Co. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited provides investment management and advisory services to non-UK clients. Both are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Baillie Gifford Overseas Limited is licensed with the Financial Services Commission in South Korea as a cross border Discretionary Investment Manager and Non-Discretionary Investment Adviser.

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