Capital at risk

Our clients

Local authorities

We have more than 30 years’ experience serving Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) clients. Our primary aim is to achieve strong returns and add value to help you meet your obligations. So our priorities align with yours as we make long-term sustainable investments. Baillie Gifford manages more LGPS assets than any other active manager. This reflects the longevity of our relationships and the level of our resources. We’re grateful for our LGPS clients’ understanding, trust and support.

Large group of young people walking nearby a building of a university campus.

Delivering value

We aim to provide you with substantial growth and excellent service. Experience has taught us that the fastest-growing companies generate the best investment returns over the long term and that only a very small percentage of businesses achieve outstanding returns. So, we focus on picking exceptional companies on your behalf. We believe our extensive experience and well-resourced investment teams give you an advantage in building the funds necessary for your members to enjoy a secure future.

In the spotlight

A write up of Baillie Gifford’s responsible investing breakfast

An insight into the critical role of responsible investing in aligning financial success with sustainability efforts.
June 2024

A responsible approach

We believe sustainability and excellent investment returns can be complementary. As active investors, we build long-term relationships with the management of companies we own on your behalf. That puts us in a great position to influence change. In doing so, we consider a broad range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. We focus on what we believe are the critical issues and behaviours leading to long-term success rather than box-ticking or focusing solely on risk.

A young person joining the LGPS today might still be receiving their pension into the next century. Growth is required to fund their retirement.
Chris MurphyClient Relationship Director

An evolving partnership

We’re proud of our longstanding relationship with the LGPS. Your needs have evolved, and we’ve evolved to meet them. That includes a shift to global equity investing in the 2010s and, more recently, offering impact and climate-aware strategies and ESG reports. We’ve also adapted to your pooling of assets, helping you benefit from economies of scale. And every three years, we host an LGPS clients investment seminar as part of a commitment to understanding your needs and being a trusted partner.

How to invest

To discuss investing as an LGPS client further, please get in touch.

Contact us

For institutions

We have dedicated specialists who can speak to you about our funds and discuss how we can help meet your investment needs.

Chris Murphy sitting at a table in the Baillie Gifford office.

Chris Murphy

Client Relationship Director
Tim Gooding in the Baillie Gifford office.

Tim Gooding

Client Relationship Director
Helen Roxburgh in the Baillie Gifford office.

Helen Roxburgh

Client Relationship Director
Claire Phillips standing while clutching a notebook in the Baillie Gifford office.

Claire Phillips

Client Relationship Manager
Andrew Daynes sat holding and iPad in the Baillie Gifford office.

Andrew Daynes

Client Relationship Manager
Piers Lowson in the Baillie Gifford office.

Piers Lowson


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