Capital at risk

Our clients

Local authorities

We have more than 30 years’ experience serving Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) clients. Our primary aim is to achieve strong returns and add value to help you meet your obligations. So our priorities align with yours as we make long-term sustainable investments. Baillie Gifford manages more LGPS assets than any other active manager. This reflects the longevity of our relationships and the level of our resources. We’re grateful for our LGPS clients’ understanding, trust and support.

Large group of young people walking nearby a building of a university campus.


Key articles, videos and podcasts:

Why growth, why now?

Tough times play to the partnership’s strengths: analysing what enables us to adapt and thrive amid rapid change.
December 2023
Article17 minutes

Quarterly investment updates

The latest investment updates from the Baillie Gifford strategy teams.

View our funds

Products to fit your choice of investment style, asset type, type of fund and geographic region.